Wednesday, February 22, 2012

For the good...

I have been a follower of Christ for quite some time now. I have actually been a Christian longer than I haven't been. Wowsers, when did that happen? When did i get old. It is hard to believe that I have been walking with Christ longer than I haven't been. I read my bible a good bit, and I believe it. I truly have faith. I have gotten really good at telling people to believe God at his word. I have even on occasion, had to do the same thing. But what is crazy to me, as much as I have seen work and seen his hand, I still doubt. I believe the Lord gives us opportunities to live out what we say. He is such a gracious Father that he allows us to live out what our words have already said. In Genesis the 50th chapter, it tells the story of Joseph and how he chooses to bestow grace instead of bitterness. It truly is an amazing story. His brother sold him to slavery and lied and were deceitful, yet Joseph doesn't choose to act out in bitterness and anger, but love. Joseph finds out that his father passed away and his brothers think that Joseph is going to be angry with them. But Joseph in essence tell them that what they meant for evil that God used for good. Wow, that is a heavy statement. What they meant for evil, God will use for good. I have had an opportunity lately to see if I truly believe that. It is one thing to read it and to say you believe it and a whole other thing to walk out. In the midst of storms it is easy to forget that what the enemy has meant for evil, our heavenly Father will use it for good. But as i put one foot in front of the other, I am believing it more and more. Because this is what I know, the enemy will not win, God keeps his word, and my calling is to trust Him. So I am going to trust him. I must trust him. I know that what the enemy has meant for evil, my God will use for good. I am going to walk it out. I must walk it out. God still reigns. Lord let my life reflect my resolve.

- N'Christ

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Nick and the people.