So, I have been blessed with two of the most amazing little kids ever. I know a lot of people, or should I say most people say that about their kids, well they should. But, I really believe that my kids are special. Before I had kids, I thought that whenever I was blessed with kids, that I would be the one, teaching them life lessons and showing the way of the righteous path. Which don't get me wrong, I have been teaching my kids a lot of things, but I have been surprised, how much I have learned from them. Everyday, the Lord seems to give me another lesson through the innocence and the faith of my kids. One of these lessons came one morning when I least expected it.
It was a Saturday morning and, usually our Saturday mornings are pretty laid back and then we have the list that the wife gives that we try to finish before the end of the day. Well, this particular morning, I had Jackson duty. Which means, i try to keep him from digesting, or doing something that might be harmful to him. Which sounds simple enough, but if you are the parent of a crawler/little boy, you know what I mean. So Jackson and I were hanging out on our bed, and I was folding laundry, yes, I was folding laundry. He was doing what a baby boy does, smile, laugh, and enjoy life. So, he was doing what he does and he started heading for the edge of the bed, I did not think anything of it, because I thought to myself, surely, he will stop before the edge, why would he not? I mean, doesn't he realize that the floor is hard and that if you get in a fight with it, it usually always wins? So, before I could blink, this dare devil tried to take a dive of the bed, I don't know if you have ever had one of those moments when the world moves in slow motion and you have a million thoughts fly through your head, but that was this moment. I thought, my wife is going to kill me if I let this kid get hurt, I also thought he could possible have a permanent dent in his noggin if he falls off the bed and I also thought, what is this booger thinking(nothing because he is only 9 months)?
I pulled my super dad maneuver, caught him and just about had a heart attack. When I grabbed him, he had the nerve to smile and laugh at me as if it was the best time he has had in his short nine months. At first I was a little flustered, but for some reason, through my little dare devil, something became even more alive and vibrant to me. The passage in which Jesus says, that we are to have faith like a child. See, I realized that Jackson took a soaring leap off the bed because he trusted his Father. He knew that I would catch him. He didn't think that, if I take this leap, this, that or the other could happen. He just leapt, and left the results up to his Daddy. What a word, because, call me crazy, but I think that is how our Heavenly Father wants us to trust him. Could you imagine the impact we could have on this world if we would just leap and trust. I know the temptation is to count the cost, but what if we just trusted? What would happen if we lived lives that reflected our trust of a Father that truly is trustworthy?
I decided in that moment that I want to live a life not so safe, I want to let go, leap, and trust. Just like my little dare devil.