May I say, that as a father of a 16 month, a husband to an 8 month pregnant wife, and the older brother of a 17 year old, I do not get to watch a lot of television. Partly because when all of my duties are complete, I fall asleep when I sit still, the other reason is, I just feel that most shows on TV really aren't worth my time. But a friend of mine introduced me to a show that I heard of, but never got a chance. The show is called Chuck. You may have seen it. The story line is quite intriguing. The main character is Chuck and he is sent all of the governments secrets and they end up being encrypted on his brain. In a blink of an eye, Chuck goes from computer geek, to a very important asset to the government. Chuck finds himself in all kinds of predicaments because of his new found importance. It is so interesting to see how Chuck handles all of the new situations he finds himself in, because now, he is no longer normal, he is something so much more. The more I watch these episodes, the more I realize that I am a lot like him. Think about it, I have the king of kings and the Lord of Lords living through me, and He has invited me to be a part of what he is doing. That can be a bit overwhelming. Just like knowing all of the governments secrets is a bit overwhelming for Chuck. But I love the way Chuck handles it, he takes everything thrown at him in stride and he does not try to do it all alone, he has a community around him, well in his case they are government agents, but for the sake of this illustration, community. As followers of Christ, we need that community as well. Also, Chuck let's what is already inside of him come out. As followers of Christ, we should let what is already inside of us come out in our lives, in our families, in our jobs, etc. It is funny what lessons can be learned through a simple show like Chuck. But the more i live this life as a follower of Christ, I realize that I need to be like Chuck...