Saturday, April 18, 2015

With Open Hands...

    On Friday, January 2, 2015 I was on my way to our old stomping ground for a little conference called Passion. You may have heard of it; they've put out a few worship albums. I was pretty excited to go with some college students and young adults from LongHollow on our first trip as a ministry. As we were driving to Atlanta, I prayed that everyone would get something great; maybe even something life changing. I never thought I'd be the one experiencing life change. But isn't that way The Lord works? Just when we least expect it He shows up in a mighty way?
     The night started out strong with worship through music.  As I was singing, I felt the Lord begin to stir my heart. It wasn't the amazing music or musicians, but the Holy Spirit, preparing my heart to hear from the Lord. Louie Giglio got up and shared John 19, verse 30, " [30] When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, “It is finished,” and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit." (John 19:30 ESV) Louie shared that "it is finished" in Greek is "Tetelestai," meaning that it is paid in full, it is sufficient, it is complete. Then he went on to tie in Hebrews 10:11-14 which says,"And every priest stands daily at his service, offering repeatedly the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. But when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God, waiting from that time until his enemies should be made a footstool for his feet. For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified." (Hebrews 10:11-14 ESV)

     Those words were like a lighting bolt to my soul! Then he said, "based on Jesus completing it and paying our debt in full, we are able to do whatever it is that He has called us to do, because it is finished!I began to chew on those words and that scripture. As the conference continued, I felt as if every speaker, communicating truth from God's word, supported that initial thought.

     This next part, I remember like it was yesterday! We had a break before the last late session and the Lord continued to speak to my heart. I knew the gravity of the truth that I heard. I knew what it meant for me and ultimately what it meant for my family. 
     You see, for a long time I have struggled with feeling inadequate about what the Lord has called me to do. I would have thoughts like, "I'm not educated enough, not good enough at communicating your word, and am not sinless enough to minister to those around me." The truth that Louie shared fell on my ears in a fresh, new way. I realized that my calling was not based on me, it was based on the One who defeated death, it was based on the One whose enemies would be made His footstool because the Lord had "finished it." I was able to fulfill what I knew I'd been called to do: communicate God's word to the masses.  I realized I'd never embrace it because I was distracted by my inadequacies. That was one of the most freeing moments I've had. My view has changed! The reason I'm able to do what the Lord has called me to do is based on Jesus...not on Nick.  It was as if the Lord released a very tight noose from around my neck. In that moment, I was able to embrace who the Lord had called me to be. 

   A few weeks later, I was sitting at a coffee shop in Nashville when I get a phone call from a buddy of mine that I used to work with.  The normal small talk ensued until he got to the reason he'd called.   He began to tell me how he and his lead pastor were talking about a new teaching pastor position at their church. My buddy shared with the pastor that he knew someone who might fit that role. When I got of the phone, I had a strange feeling that this new opportunity was most likely part of what the Lord had called me to. But, I was now in a place to see and hear it. 
    As the weeks progressed, I talked to the lead pastor, Laura and I met him and his wife and the Lord began to knit our hearts together in only a way that only He can. We visited the church in Dallas, TX,  and I had an opportunity to speak to the congregation. Through that, the Lord continued to reveal to us that this is where He was calling us. Many silent prayers that hadn't been voiced in the open were also being answered through this opportunity. 
     One of the coolest moments was when Laura shared that she felt like Texas was our new home and we'd found our church. It is amazing how the voice of the Holy Spirit and hers sound very similar at times. 
    When we prepared to leave and head back to Nashville, Laura would say that it felt like we were leaving home to go back to Nashville. That's how clear the Lord had shown Himself in this decision. It's funny how just a few days in the place that the Lord has prepared for you could feel so right, whole and complete.
     Needless to say, the last couple of months have been a mix of emotions; uncertainty, excitement and deep sadness. But we can confidently say that "we the people" are heading to Dallas, TX to be the Next Gen. Teaching Pastor at Cross Timbers Community Church. Leaving our Tennessee home at Long Hollow Baptist Church is not an easy goodbye.  We've grown to love and care for this sweet, tightly knight community.  But we also know that obedience is more important than comfort and security; even when it's stained with tears.    
    Sunday, May 3, 2015 is our last day on staff at LongHollow. We are excited for the things to come, but saddened to end such an amazing chapter.  But isn't it true that in order to begin a new chapter the one before must end?
    We would appreciate prayers over the next month as we transition to a new place, new friends and a new home.  As always, we are looking forward to what the Lord is going to do with "we the people." 
Love, The Person Family

Monday, January 5, 2015

Get down with your bad self...

     Well, when I was growing up, I had thoughts of what my family would be like. I hoped that my wife would be good looking and very similar to my mom. I also hoped that she would love the Lord and that she would love our kids. I thought that my kids would be funny, goofy and well rounded. I also wanted them to love the Lord as well. If I may be honest, I think I wanted these things, not because I wanted the best for them, but I think I wanted this because of how it would reflect on me. Who wants a wife and kids that are wrecks and how would that make me look? Now I have realized that I want my kids and wife to love the Lord and walk out their faith because it is the best thing for them. So, I got a better grasp on the "why" I wanted my family to love the Lord and thrive, but what did that look like. Honestly, I have been in ministry for about fourteen years and I have been a follower of Christ since I was in the seventh grade. But I had not idea of how my family thriving and loving the Lord would play out. I thought that maybe we would be the like the Cosby's but maybe a little cooler. I thought that maybe, I would preach a sermon to them before they went to bed at night and they would sit around and "Amen" me. I thought that I would have the answers to all things that they could possibly ask. But once I got the family it didn't quite play out the way that I thought it would. Not in a bad way, just not how I thought it would play out in my head. For example I thought that I would always be home for dinner, hasn't happened. I thought every night of the week we would have a family devotional and pray together every night, that has not happened either. I know some of you are thinking, what? But I have to be honest with ya. So it would seem like my family has not quite met my expectations, and you would be right. My family has exceeded them....Yep, that was not a typo, my family truly has exceeded every expectation I had. Not in the way I thought, but nonetheless every expectation has been exceeded.  
 Let me explain that a little more. See I thought that my family was suppose to look like everybody else's family. But the truth of the matter is every body's family is different. See we have all been called to be a great steward of what we have been entrusted with. But being a great steward may look different for your family than it does for mine. See I was under the impression that I had to do it like everybody else. But that is not it at all. The Lord has just called me to be a great steward. He didn't say I have to be like everybody else. Actually, the Lord has put unique gifts, talents, and desires in my heart and
He has called me to use those for his glory. Like it says in Colossians,
And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
(Colossians 3:17 ESV)
So if i read that right, whatever it is that the Lord has put in you and gifted you with and entrusted you with you are called to use it in the name of the Lord! Everything. In essence, the Lord is saying be the best you for the glory of the Lord. Don't be the best somebody else, be the best you for the glory of the Lord. Honestly, that is one of the most freeing scriptures in God's word. It allows you to be you for the glory of the Lord. This plays out in many different ways in our home. Let me give you one example. I love to dance, I always have, I probably always will. So, as a family we dance. We dance a lot, it is how we finish a lot of meals. After we are finished eating, I, as the DJ, will pick out a song and we dance hard. There is always a lot of laughs and giggles and fun had by all. We dance, we even take turns doing dance solos. You may ask, how is that using gifts and talents for the glory of the Lord? I'm glad you asked. Through our dancing, we are becoming closer. If you can dance in front of somebody, you can be vulnerable with that person. You view them as being safe. So the more we dance, the closer we get, the closer we get, the more trust is built, the more trust is built, the more our family will listen to each other and value what we have to say, so it allows me to speak even more truth into the hearts of my wife and kids. Here is the thing, you don't have to dance with your family, but you should use whatever you love, whatever you are good at, whatever makes you smile, for the glory of the Lord and allow those gifts and talents to bring your family closer together and allow it to plant eternal seeds in the hearts of you kids and spouse or even just those people who are around you. So whatever you do in word or deed, do it in the name of the Lord. I pray that you will get down with your bad self and truly let your light shine!

We are the people...